
Japanese girl's pussy is rehabilitation facility for loser gaijin guys?

As long as I observe, Apparently Euro-American gaijins who want to fuck only Japanese girls or the other Asian girls look like weird more or less. I am sure that most of them had been bullied cruelly in their childhood and treated like catapiller or cockroach by the same ethinic women. In other words most of them is social remains in their home country. They cannot get quality the same ethnic girls. So these dudes seek relief to J-pussy as if J-pussy is rehabilitation facility for them!!!

Pioneer weird gaijin Lafcadio Hearn said "American women is NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT female!!!!!!".

But unfortunately most of them never try to admit these things honestly.
They should face real themselve in the mirror every day!!!!!!


The reasons gaijins are not accepted in Japan

1. Uselessly big or pig
Over 180cm is useless and harmful height in Japan.
And needless to say, pigs are extraordinary hated in Japan.
2. Smelly
Smell of gaijins is like mixed butter and vomit!
But unfortunately most of gaijins can't notice their own smell.
This is really the same as cow or horse can't notice its own smell.
3. Arrogant
Not a few gaijin dont speak Japanese, dont try to understand Japan and behave arrogantly.
These gaijins have lowered the reputation of whole gaijins.
4. Contempt against Japan itself
Almost all gaijins living in Japan never try to read books or articles written in Japanese.
They believe they can understand Japan by reading only books written in English and besides books written in Japanese are no worth to read.

Remember these, gaijiin dudes.

*gaijin = non-mongoloid foreigner


I decided to create this blog to bully disgusting gaijins, especially white dudes!!!, living in or visiting to Japan.

However gaijins whom I want to bully are only male ones.
I never bully female gaijins because I love them wholeheartedly.